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115 lines
Message Traffic Reporter
Copyright 1991 James R. Porter
MeTeR will show you how many messages you receive in each conference, and
the total number of messages received on your system.
Here is a sample of the MeTeR output:
Message Traffic Report of incoming EchoMail 5/22/90 4:50
21 GT Power Support 3 BBS Ads
10 Games People Play 0 8086 Assembler
0 Pascal 5 GT BETA
1 GT Developers 5 Doors
0 Let's Role Play 0 GT Companions
1 Science Fiction 0 ANSI/ASCII Art
0 Role Playing Games 0 Weirdness and Ramblings
1 NET 33 SysOps
Total Messages Received: 47 MeTeR - Copyright 1990 James R. Porter
Command line:
MeTeR [GT15/GT14] [beforemail/aftermail] [filename1] [filename2] [P] ─────┐
│ │ │ │ │ │
Program GTversion Mode ┌─────┘ Bulletin filename │
│ (used with Aftermail only) │
│ │
Name of file that contains If present will not
the MESSAGE DISTRIBUTION list areas with a ;
section. in the ROUTING file.
'P' is for Private.
(used with Aftermail only)
(The commandline parameters must be specified in the order given above.)
To determine the number of messages recieved and in which conferences they
were received, run 'MeTeR BEFOREMAIL' immediately before your MDIST command
in the appropriate batch file (Netmail, Crash, GTCrash, as you like) and put
the 'MeTeR AFTERMAIL' command line immediately after all messages have been
distributed on your system (after the MDIST line in your batch file).
Here is MeTeR in my NetMail.BAT file:
MDRIV047 xxxx-xxxx 04:22 04:45 04:46 /I /ZE /E6 /M2400 >>C:\HOST\NETMAIL.LOG
->c:\bbsutils\MeTeR gt15 beforemail
->c:\bbsutils\MeTeR gt15 aftermail c:\bbs\89 P
c:\bbsutils\MeTeR gt15 aftermail c:\for_me\echomail
The MeTeR output will go to the filename you specify on the MeTeR
Aftermail commandline (Bulletin #89 in the above case, filenames would be
89 and 89.CBS); so you can specify a different bulletin for CRASH! mail,
etc., if you like. On the second MeTeR Aftermail line, I specified the
filename Echomail, and output to that file will include the "private"
conferences, whereas the first MeTeR Aftermail line (ending with the 'P'
for Private, will not include the private conferences (any of those that
you have "semi-coloned out" in your routing file)).
If you specify an extension with the filename it will be ignored. A .CBS
extension will be added for the color file (in keeping with the GT Bulletin
MeTeR creates one 0-byte file in each of your message control directories.
This is how it stores the message numbers (in the filename). These files
have the extension .HMN (High Message Number), and these are deleted each
time MeTeR Before mail is run (*.HMN are deleted); SO, do not have any file
with the extension .HMN in your message control directores or they will be
deleted along with the 0-byte HMN files when MeTeR Before mail is run.
The message base descriptions are taken from the Message Distribution
section of the routing.bbs file. All '_' characters are replaced with
spaces before being written to the bulletin/screen. Descriptions are
truncated to 30 characters.
I am planning to add a continuous tracking feature that will build bar
graphs for tracking message volume in each message area over time.
I do not know all the ins and outs of the ROUTING.BBS file, so please bear
with me, especially if you are a hub using MeTeR (becuase your ROUTING file
will be more complicated, and less familiar to me). I have tried to account
for all variations, but in the event that a problem arises, please let me
know so that I can get right on it.
Jim Porter
GT 033/011
703/271-8644 Leprechaun Heaven
703/521-1418 Voice